Water in the Phoenix metropolitan area ranks among the hardest in the nation. Hard water is measured as grains per gallon. When hardness reaches above the 7 grains per gallon mark, it is considered “very hard”. Water that contains more than 10.5 grains per gallon falls into the “extremely hard” category. In the Phoenix metro area, water averages 12-22 grains per gallon! Only the best water softener for Arizona can remove these minerals efficiently.
The hard water causes mineral build-up inside water heaters, pipes, dishwashers, washing machines, and other water-using appliances. It leaves unsightly stains on faucets and shower doors and inside tubs and sinks. Soaps are less effective with hard water, leaving residue in our hair and on our skin after bathing, and leaving clothes looking dingy after just a few runs through the washing machine. Therefore, it is obvious to see why many local residents search for the best water softener Phoenix has on the market.
How do water softeners work? Basically, this is a process where the ions of the scale-forming calcium and magnesium molecules are exchanged by non-staining sodium chloride or potassium ions. The same amount of total dissolved solids is maintained in the water. Calcium and magnesium, the culprits of hard water, are exchanged with dissolvable salts. For sodium, the amount added tends to be less than what is already present in the water from its natural sources in the Phoenix area.
Many are confused by the terms “salt” and “sodium.” These terms are not the same. Any water softener Phoenix has on the market can be sodium-free. Potassium can be used instead of sodium to create soft water. However, both sodium and potassium chloride are considered salts and are a necessary component for creating soft water in homes throughout Phoenix, if not throughout all of Arizona. Even the best water softener for Arizona still utilizes salts to eliminate hard water minerals.
Sodium is a naturally occurring mineral that is abundant in the Phoenix Salt River Valley groundwater. Water softeners that utilize sodium chloride add very little sodium to the water. In fact, increased sodium levels in a gallon of softened water are about equal to the amount of sodium found in two slices of bread. Research performed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the New England Journal concludes that the amount of sodium introduced by water softener systems is of little consequence.
However, if you are on a sodium-restricted diet, a reverse osmosis filter system will be able to remove the sodium content of your drinking water. This type of system can be added to your drinking faucets, and it will eliminate your need for buying bottled water. Read also the article: Does a salt-free water softener really exist? Call us today for a free quote.