Unfortunately, the sole use of a simple water softener does not remove chlorine but in most cases does remove Calcium, Magnesium ions and Iron ions. Can water softeners remove chlorine? Yes, when equipped with the right filter. To fully answer this question, we need to find out how water softeners work and if at all they can remove chlorine from water. Water that is not filtered from the source contains a number of harmful chemicals, contaminants and other elements dissolved in it. As a matter of fact, this type of water can be harmful to you and your family as well. In addition, chemicals in water can cause great damage to your skin, hair and your garments. The good news is that those dissolved elements and harmful chemicals such as chlorine can be removed using recommended water softeners with the use of GAC (Granular Activated Carbon). With the help of a veteran water systems installer and expert at Clear Water Concepts, together we have provided a great overview below on how water softeners remove chlorine.
Water Softening Techniques and How They Remove Chlorine
Catalytic Filtration
You can remove unsafe chlorine and other harmful chemicals by a process known as catalytic filtration and at the same time softening water for safe consumption. This is done by removing dissolved elements such as calcium, chlorine, magnesium, and iron from hard water through exchange of ions. In other words, water softeners swap hard elements with those for sodium based. This implies that the damaging effect of hard water is minimized. The resulting soft water is characterized by a silky, smooth and luxurious feel on your skin and hair.
Use of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC)
Granular activated carbon (GAC) is often used in a good deal of water softening systems to remove chlorine. GAC is normally added to the water softener resin bed at the initial stages of removing hardness from water. GAC mixes with the resin to remove chlorine from water as the water passes through for a period. The granular activated carbon in this system is effective in removing chlorine from hard water for up to 2 to 3 years. On the other hand, the water softener resin can last between 8 and 10 years but it becomes difficult to remove GAC from it, in case you want to replace the resin. This is due to the ability of GAC to mix strongly with the resin. Therefore, if you wish to replace the GAC, you must remove it together with the resin and replace both at the same time.
Use of Powerful Chlorine Remover
Alternatively, there is a more effective and efficient process for softening water at home by removing chlorine. The system uses a powerful chlorine remover known as KDF-55. This remover is a granular media that is designed to remove large contents of chlorine than other known media.
When using KDF-55 to make the water soft, you are advised to place it in a media guard which, in this case, is a slotted basket firmly attached to the bottom of the water softening valve. As water enters the softening compartment, it is forced to pass through the basket that contains KDF-55 media for the removal of all chlorine. Eventually, chlorine-free water passes through the softening resin to remove the rest of the hardness minerals to make it softer.
Yes, A Water Softener Can Remove Chlorine When Properly Equipped
There are products in the market that are designed to take care of chlorine problems as well as making sure that you get fresh, healthy and better-tasting water in your home. In fact, the use of filtration with the right water softeners will remove harmful chlorine and other water contaminants as a replacement for the expensive salt that is likely to damage your water supply. So, do water softeners remove chlorine? The answer is yes when properly using the correct combination of systems in your home or office! Ask a water systems professional to educate you on the facts about chlorine before purchasing any products online.