If you live in an area with hard water, then you’re likely familiar with some common disadvantages. Perhaps you have experienced problems with skin, hair, and clothing associated with hard water! With this type of water, the minerals and soap combine to make a curd that does not rinse away clean. This clogs pores, coats your hair, and even fabrics. Yo’ll also find denser deposits of soap scum on bathing surfaces. If you have an enclosed shower you’re no doubt used to the cloudy haze that forms on the shower door and window panes. Hidden damages of hard water include build up on plumbing and mineral deposits inside appliances. This build up can result in increased plumbing maintenance as well as the need to replace appliances such as dishwashers, water heaters, and washing machines more frequently.
Water softeners make life easier in regions that are prone to hard water. What’s more, they help to maintain healthier plumbing by eliminating the minerals that are creating deposits and build-up on fixtures and pipes. When you choose to install a water softener, you can rest assured that you’ll save on future home maintenance and plumbing costs. In addition, you’ll also experience a much easier time cleaning in your home or business. Imagine eliminating the irritating white spots and streaks on laundered clothes or perhaps soapy residue from washed dishes. Installing water softeners in homes or businesses ensures that they will experience easier cleaning while also lowering costs for cleaning supplies. Many individuals also appreciate the new-found ease of maintaining a cleaner shower, sink, or bathtub as well.
Another useful advantage of water softeners is their ability to extend the life of many appliances by eliminating harmful mineral deposits. Think of the many appliances we all rely on daily and consider the benefit of replacing these items less often. This benefit also offers an advantage for greener living enthusiasts since it supports reducing overall waste while conserving energy and materials. Today, many hot water heaters are capable of heating softened water faster than hard water. In fact, it’s been stated that efficiency improvements of 22% of electric water heaters and 29% of gas water heaters are possible due to the ease at which these heaters are able to warm the softened water. If you’re considering the benefits that water softening systems might bring to you then contact us to learn more.